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Monday, September 16, 2024

MetaMask wallet will add support for bitcoin

The developers of an app with over 30 million monthly active users are implementing a new option using the Snaps tool

Crypto wallet MetaMask announced support for bitcoin. The option will be implemented using the Snaps developer tool.

Snaps runs in an isolated environment. Thanks to this, any user can expand the capabilities of the wallet, including adding support for various blockchains or changing functionality.

In March, Consencys CEO Joseph Lubin revealed that MetaMask would issue its own token. Also, the launch of a decentralized autonomous organization DAO is expected soon, which will finance the development of the project.

Consensys announced that it has closed $450 million in D funding. The project is valued at $7 billion. In January, the number of active users of MetaMask exceeded 30 million per month, the value grew by 42% in 4 months.

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