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Saturday, September 7, 2024

FTX Crypto’s Former Chief Challenges Prosecutor’s Requests in Court Battle

The courtroom is heating up as Sam Bankman-Fried, the former head of the embattled crypto exchange FTX, takes a stand against the prosecutor’s demands. In a bold move, he’s calling for these requests to be tossed aside, claiming they are nothing but smoke and mirrors.

A Memorable Move

On September 1, Sam Bankman-Fried, the former captain of the now-bankrupt FTX crypto exchange, fired back with a memorandum, served up by his legal ace, Mark Cohen. This legal document didn’t mince words; it straight-up stated that the prosecutor’s wishes were “about as enforceable as a chocolate teapot and as legally sound as a rubber crutch.” That’s some legal smackdown, right?

Defending the Indefensible

Bankman-Fried’s legal maestro, Cohen, wasn’t holding back. He slammed the prosecutor’s requests as pure folly, arguing that most of their concerns were as relevant as yesterday’s news. In the document, it’s crystal clear that the US Department of Justice’s demands are being labeled as downright “unreasonable.”

Cohen goes on to claim that these requests are designed to let in all sorts of irrelevant and biased evidence. It’s like trying to throw everything but the kitchen sink into the courtroom. He accuses the DOJ of attempting to weaken any potential defense, and even worse, trying to slip in hearsay and other dubious evidence. Talk about playing dirty!

FTX’s Post-Bankruptcy Odyssey

In the land of FTX, things have been far from smooth sailing. Bankruptcy proceedings have been rolling on for months. The new brass in charge started the ball rolling, trying to recoup funds from those who received donations from Bankman-Fried and his ex-buds back in December 2022. They made it clear: if those funds aren’t handed back on a silver platter, they’ll be marching to court, demanding not just the cash but also the interest that’s been piling up since they served the papers.

The memo dropped after the Department of Justice went on a filing spree, trying to insert itself into every nook and cranny of the case. On August 28, they tried to put the kibosh on all the experts slated to testify on Bankman-Fried’s behalf. According to them, these experts and their accompanying statements were nothing more than a bad joke, making it impossible for them to have their moment in court.

Sam’s Brush with the Law

In case you missed it, Bankman-Fried had initially pleaded “not guilty” to the charges of fraud. But things took an unexpected twist when, in early August, prosecutors cooked up a fresh indictment, bundling campaign finance allegations with the other charges.

FTX’s Cryptocurrency Sell-off Plan

As this legal circus unfolds, FTX is looking to cash in some of its digital chips. They plan to sell a staggering $3 billion worth of cryptocurrencies to make amends to their customers in cold, hard dollars. The name of the game here is risk mitigation, ensuring that the value of their cryptocurrency stash, which tops $3 billion, doesn’t nosedive. The crypto exchange’s legal eagles are on high alert.

In this high-stakes courtroom drama, the battle rages on, with FTX Crypto’s former bigwig Sam Bankman-Fried firmly on the front lines, challenging the prosecutor’s every move. The future of FTX and its cryptocurrency assets hangs in the balance, and only time will tell how this epic showdown unfolds. 💥🚀

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