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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Buying Ethereum and diversifying with fan tokens “Investment idea”

The prospects for the largest altcoin by capitalization and , in which case the price of football tokens could rise

In the run-up to the Ethereum Merger, many people are buying Ethereum and holding it in anticipation of an airdrop of free ETHPOW coins. Even if the PoW network project fails, which is very likely, since few DeFi protocols have declared support for ETHPOW, ETH holders will essentially receive money out of thin air. Let the new coin cost $5, but it’s free $5.

I believe that immediately after the new coins are unlocked, the ETHPOW rate will collapse as everyone starts selling them. So if you can’t sell the coins right away, it makes sense to wait two weeks – perhaps the rate will recover a little after the fall. In the fall itself, I have no doubt.

As for the price of ETH, in my opinion, Ethereum is currently trading at an acceptable level. It is unlikely that the rate will change much in the next week: it can either drop to $1.5 thousand due to the general bearish mood in the crypto market, or grow to $1.8 thousand on the eve of the Merger in mid-September.

After the hasty conclusion of The Confluence, I believe there will be about 2-3 weeks of turbulence, and then the air will exceed $ 2 thousand. Again, if some Black Swan does not flutter out of the scene.

I don’t see any serious risks associated with Ethereum. The “merger” has been tested several times, the results are also known and have been expected by decentralized applications for several years now. Ethereum, if it drops in price, it will be compensated in the medium and long term.

Ethereum remains the most popular blockchain system for launching dApps, and this niche is clearly set to grow, which will attract additional liquidity to the network and increase the value of ETH. The only risk I currently see is related to possible transaction censorship, which PoS networks are more susceptible to than PoW networks. In light of the events surrounding Tornado Cash, there are many concerns now as to whether the Merger will lead to heavy censorship of Ethereum transactions.

In addition to the ether, I would take a closer look at fan tokens – the tokens of the football clubs Lazio, Barcelona and others. You need to understand that this is a very niche story, the trading volume is small, and the functionality is still very scarce – discounts on merch and tickets. But I think the potential for fan tokens is good.

If now large trading platforms pay attention to them, then we can see a sharp increase in trading volume and prices. I do not exclude, however, that interest in such tokens will completely disappear. So in any case, such an investment is more likely for diversification and curiosity.

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