The film was filmed at the beginning of the pandemic using Zoom video conferencing software.
Motion picture company Enderby Entertainment has announced that its new feature film, Zero Contact, featuring legendary American actor Anthony Hopkins, will only be distributed in the form of non fungible tokens (NFT) on the dedicated NFT Vuele marketplace.
This means that the picture cannot be viewed in the cinema or on streaming services. Access to watching the movie can only be obtained by purchasing the corresponding NFT token.
Sales of the film on the NFT Vuele site will begin approximately in late July – early August this year. The filmmakers plan to distribute different types of NFT tokens, which, in addition to the film, will include exclusive content.
The film’s director and producer, Rick Dugdale, said NFT distribution will help protect the film from being pirated.
Production took place in 2020 at the very beginning of the pandemic, so Enderby Entertainment used Zoom video conferencing software for filming.
“Everything about this film is unconventional, from zoom and remote production to distribution,” Dugdale said.
In April, director and comic writer Kevin Smith was selling his new horror film, Killroy Was Here, as an NFT.
NFT tokens are unique and not divisible. Such tokens are used to confirm ownership of an object; they cannot be replaced without the consent of the owner.
**NFT sales hit a record $ 2.5 billion in the first half of 2021