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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Musk explains the impossibility of mining Dogecoin on the Tesla supercomputer

According to the businessman, the device is designed to train neural networks and video processing. He also posted two more tweets, after which the altcoin rate increased by 13%.

The head of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk responded to rumors that Dogecoin can be mined on the Dojo supercomputer.

According to the businessman, the supercomputer being developed by Tesla is designed to process the video stream and train neural networks, so the device cannot be used to mine Dogecoin.

Musk also apologized for the fact that his words could be misinterpreted.

Rumors about Meiningen Dogecoin supercomputer Tesla appeared in February, when the businessman wrote in a Twitter «Dojo 4 Doge» (Doge – the stock ticker altcoin).

Dojo is a supercomputer that Tesla is developing to train artificial intelligence and create an autonomous control system for Tesla’s electric vehicles. According to unconfirmed reports, the company will introduce Dojo by the end of 2021.

The Tesla CEO posted two more tweets that mentioned Dogecoin. After that, the digital coin surged 13% in less than an hour. The price of Dogecoin on the Binance crypto exchange reached $ 0.26, the altcoin is trading at a price of $ 0.25.

On June 28, Elon Musk supported the proposal to update the Dogecoin network from the altcoin developer. The proposal states that the average transaction fee on the altcoin blockchain should be reduced by 100 times.

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