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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mayweather wore a T-shirt with the EthereumMax logo before the fight with Logan Paul

The new altcoin, the logo and name of which resembles one of the largest cryptocurrencies by capitalization Ethereum, was used to sell tickets for a boxing match.

Boxer Floyd Mayweather went to weigh-in before the fight against blogger Logan Paul in a T-shirt with the EthereumMax cryptocurrency logo. Altcoin appeared about a month ago, according to Coinmarketcap, it is represented on two decentralized crypto exchanges (DEX) – Uniswap and 1inch. 99% of the daily trading volume ($ 34.4 million) with the asset is held on Uniswap.

Cryptocurrency EthereumMax, the name and logo of which resembles the largest altcoin in terms of capitalization, Ethereum, was used to sell tickets for a boxing match. When purchased for over $ 5,000 for EthereumMax, viewers were offered authentic Mayweather boxing gloves with an autograph. Also, 2 tickets in the front row were available exclusively for EthereumMax. All buyers who used altcoin as payment entered the lottery with the opportunity to win tickets to the official afterparty of the event. An altcoin advertisement with a cryptocurrency logo also appeared in Times Square in New York.

Mayweather introduced his own NTFs in May . They were limited editions and are tied to a collection dedicated to the life and career of a boxer. The collection consists of art and athlete memorabilia.

In October 2018, investors in the fraudulent ICO project Centra, promoted by Mayweather, filed a lawsuit against him . The deceived clients accused the boxer and producer DJ Khaled of involvement in the company and demanded damages.

In November of the same year, the SEC issued a judgment , according to which Mayweather had to pay $ 300 thousand of misappropriated funds, a $ 300 thousand fine and $ 14.7 thousand as interest for the period before the decision was made DJ Khaled received a $ 100 thousand fine, liability return $ 50 thousand of misappropriated funds and an interest of $ 2.7 thousand.

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