In addition to the built-in miner, the car will have its own hardware wallet, which will allow you to pay tolls and make bank transfers.
Electric car maker Daymak has announced the release of a new model Spiritus, which will be able to mine cryptocurrency while charging and parking. The electric vehicle will mine digital coins “from Dogecoin to Bitcoin“, its release will begin in 2023, but you can pre-order now. From June 1, Daymak accepts prepayments for Spiritus in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and Cardano.
Daymak Spiritus Will Be the World’s First Electric Car to Mine Cryptocurrency, From Dogecoin to Bitcoin, While It’s Parked
— Daymak Inc (@Daymak) June 1, 2021
The company is seeking a patent for its own Daymak Nebula technology, with which an electric vehicle will mine cryptocurrency and store it on a hardware wallet. In the future, the accumulated digital coins can be used to pay for parking or tolls. The software installed in Spiritus will allow you to make bank transfers.
Daymak is a Canadian manufacturer of electric vehicles ranging from bicycles to personal electric vehicles. The company was established in Toronto in 2001.